Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Farm Market sale Nov 2018

I tried!  I sold one.  One that I really really liked! That purple or periwinkle one!   But at least I paid for my half of the table! 
SOOOOOO much time invested....to make the product....to stand there until 1:00!  The cost of the product,  the cost of gas to get to the sale, the cost of my vehicle to get us there and the table expense!  and I took my mother!   But at least I took the little loom and wove dishcloths the whole time! 

  Decided might as well just give the stuff away!  I don't drink....I don't smoke; I don't get out much!  I don't go to personal care places...besides physio!  I don't do dog sports or lessons any more....... crafts are my therapy!  so just give it to those that support me!  so that is what I did! 

Getting ready!

Market Day! 

Thanks for stopping by!  Health Happiness Kindness and respect!  

Black and white cotton tea towels

2/8 cotton and white crochet cotton in the warp: 12 sette

I was threading heddles the day after my capel release surgery! 

My mom cuts them and hems them.  we had 3 tea towels 16 by 26 28 in length;  from this project!  all different of course!  :)

cotton twill

I started this right after Christmas;  cut off Jan 4 at 90 inches in length

 ....following someone else's pattern, using two shuttles is not my therapy! I might have a better attitude if I knew who or what I was making it for....the purpose of doing it to say I can do it isn't good therapy for me! But it is cool and my edges are pretty good!  must keep at it and get it done! I have so many cool fibers that I want to make into .....something! Can't go to any retail establishment until I finish this and use up some of the fiber clutter! 

It was -18 .....hope everyone has a wonderful day! Stay safe and warm!

I did finish this;  it was cut into place mats!  


I love this plant;  FLAX!   I became interested in it for mulch for weed control.  I am always looking for cover crops;  mulches;  anything to help with my blueberries!    I think I did research on it 10 years ago but reading about it being pulled and was hard on cutting equipment, it turned me away!  But a couple of years ago I re-visited growing it!  the increase awareness of how it was such a great health benefit was really awesome and that same year, I attended a meeting that taproot farms had.  I didn't know a lot about it at that point but always interested in learning!  Especially growing!  They gave me 3 varieties of the fiber flax to try to grow and I followed up that year going to help them pull some of their crop. 

It was a great learning experience to see such a difference in the growth of the plants from the valley to what we have!  I still wasn't entertaining the idea of fiber for textile!  At the meeting, They had samples, information, and a lady that was just awesome that could spin and weave!  But wasn't interested in more crafts!  Because paper clutter was my passion!  I didn't have time....space or money to get into anything else! 

Well little did I know how this journey would change!

I was involved in our community museum for many many years!  It was my passion too!  But with times and economy, we closed our doors.  It was very sad!  Many years passed and our collection was moved to another museum!  It was a mix of emotions!  Anyway, my friend and I took a day trip that summer to the museum to see the display!  It was on a demo day!  A weaving demo day!  Well....I was still telling myself , "NO you don't have time!"  The lady that was doing the demonstration was really kind and knowledgable and told us about her lessons at her studio and the price point!  My friend was interested and the price point was doable!  I was just going to support my friend!  Yeah right!  So this was a Monday!  24 hrs later I had myself a 4 shaft loom! 

Then last year I found some flax in the blueberries and broke it!  It was a wow!  To have the fibers be exposed in your hand....to read about it and know about it but to actually feel it and see it happen was really something!  so, of course, I pushed on for more info and "wants"!  I wanted to learn to spin!  I took a lesson,  I gathered more information and experiences but still don't have a spinning wheel!  I would like one....but then that will open another whole kettle of worms!  then I would want to dye and really.....how many hours are in a day?  And added to this....my 2018 growing year of flax was a fail!  I was so disappointed!

So last week I started this 100% linen project!  This isn't at a price point that I'm really comfortable with!  This is/ will be a very expensive piece of fabric!

I'm at a stand still now, ran out of the white euroflax 100% wet spun linen #2 sport weight made by louet!

the warp is 100% linen too;  natural and mint green.  it's only 2 ply as the weft is 4 ply. 

My sette is about 15....and has spaces!  Not a professional here!  :(
but it does add texture.  I'm just doing a twill weave;  nothing fancy.  weaving draft was the same as the cotton scarf posted earlier.  But I didn't weave it in the sequence;  I am just doing 1/2; 2/3; 3/4; 4/1.  repeat.
tension has been an issue;  so I have a sprayer with water handy!

Thanks for stopping by!
Health, Happiness, kindness, and respect

Cotton scarf

4 shaft table loom:  12 dent sette

finished twisting the ends yesterday!  Not 100% cotton but I really like it!  washed this morning so still wet on the drying rack!

I tied onto the previous project left over warp for this scarf.  I used the varigated bernat  and a plain green barnat for the warp; total 2 balls.  (see pics for more info)

weft was a  yellow;  paton yarn.  it was textured like a terry towel!  used A little over a ball.

Below is the link to a great article on color  and where I was inspired to do the "previous project" and found the weaving draft to print!

Great article

Thanks for stopping by!  Happy 2019!  Can't believe how fast the years fly!
Health, Happiness, Kindness and Respect!