I was a bit slow getting started this morning! sore from all the shovelling and walking yesterday!
So today, we went our the road to shovelled a path so our neighbour could have oil delivered.
Then came home and I started on one of the roofs of our house. The snow was at least 5 feet deep! I finally stopped at 4 o'clock! My arms feel like jello!
These were my helpers!
I want to come up too! He chases every pile of snow that comes his way! |
My special little boy is tired tonight! He had a good work out!
My stress! truck drove in the yard! |
As soon as T went down off the roof, Raider jumped up! I made him sit and stay! I called it done soon after this....but still had the snow to move that had fallen in the walk way. |
Just no place to put all this white gold! the banks so high! A lady stopped yesterday while I was shovelling and said that she hasn't seen anything like this in 60 years! We had a really bad system 11 years a go; but it still doesn't compare! we had nice weather after....we always get snow and then sun and or rain! But this year, double digit temps all the time! snow storm after snow storm! spring tomorrow! Yeah! :) Happy spring!
Oh my gosh, you sure have a LOT of snow !!!! We still have some here, but a lot has melted. Your dogs are gorgeous. Enjoy Spring ! Shirleyxx